We all want to succeed in our lives. However, we tend to forget that, more often than not, success does not come easily. You have to bite the dust one too many times to finally achieve your desired results. 

In this episode of Aloha Friday, Jackson Campbell sits down with Tyler Deveraux to discuss why failure is not anything to be embarrassed about or something that should discourage you from continuing down the path you chose for yourself. Most people are afraid of failure, but if you do not push yourself to that very point, you may never know what you can conquer. 

If you put yourself in challenging situations, you are inevitably going to grow. Your goals will become clear when you push yourself past your abilities because you can analyze your strengths and weaknesses much better. You can improve your approach to working towards your goal, which is a healthy sign of growth. As you grow, you are in a better position to give. Isn’t that what growth is all about?

Listen to Tyler and Jackson as they discuss how you can use a healthy mindset that accepts failure as learning lessons, as the fuel – the driving force – behind your business. It’s always the inspiration found in unexpected situations that improves you the most!



Aloha, and welcome to the Growth Cast and to another Aloha Friday trip. My name is Tyler DeVere, your host. 



And I’m Jackson Campbell. Your 



Cohost. Pick 



It up. Jackson. I gonna introduce me. I apologize. <laugh>. Now we’re going to get into why that was such a terrible intro. What? 



<laugh>? I thought we 



Killed that. That was awesome. <laugh> O of Nova. We are, we’re pumped. We’re here. We’re ready 



To go. We’re here, dude. We’re here and we are ready to roll. What are you talking about 



Before we jump into the, the topic today? Ty’s been gone as, as you can tell, Ty, may, may 






Tell. May or may not be a little tired. May or not be a little bit exhausted. Um, Ty’s been gone. You’ve been gone for a week. Where have you been 



Man? We did, uh, the Spartan race. We gotta talk about the Spartan race. Holy. Yep. Did the Spartan race out in Oahu. And then we flew straight from Oahu to Las Vegas. Did her news interview in Las Vegas, then flew to San Diego, did a news interview in San Diego, then flew to Oakland, did a three day training in Oakland. 



Woo. And then back to 



Maui. Then back to Maui. Man. 



Seven days was seven days. Six days. 



Oh yeah. Seven more than that. It 



Was a lot Spar race. Yeah. You got a lot done. It was, 



You got a lot done. It 



Was crazy. And did a ton of really cool, impactful things. So first off, congrats on the news 



Interviews. Thanks, man. It was fun. 



So awesome. Before we dive, I wanna dive into the Spartan race, but before we do that, how were the news interviews? What was that experience like for you? 



Uh, dude, so first news interviews. So, so just pitch to this. It’s your first type to do a news interview, right? Nerves are a little bit Yeah. 



Can imagine. I’m 



A little bit nervous. 



Yeah. You’re gonna 



Be on tv. I’m like, what am I what? I don’t know what to expect. Yeah. There’s been very little communication, walking, waiting in the green room. The guy comes in, he is like, all right, I’m gonna go, uh, out on set. I’ll mic you up real quick. Uh, you know what? I’m just gonna ask you a few questions. I heard nothing. So I sent him like a couple questions. He’s like, you know what? I don’t really know hardly anything about the multi-family space, so I don’t even know what that is. <laugh>. So I’m just gonna ask you some questions when we’re out there. Okay. Sounds, sounds good. We get out there and he’s like, all right. We start in, uh, how long till we go live? Four minutes till we go. Is it It’s live? Yeah. No, live. Like, like live. Live. Yeah. Live. Like, can I, like, what if I swear? No, it’s live. Oh, <laugh>. I mean, dude, I like, my heart starts to pound dude. They, and he doesn’t tell me what questions he is gonna ask. Yeah. He doesn’t tell me what to look at. Do I look at you? Do I look at the camera? Do I look at the ground? What do I look at? Yeah. So you’ll see when the clip comes out, dude, he is like, you know, we have Tyler here. And I’m like, I’m like, those of you watching on you two, I’m like, this 



<laugh>. It’s 






Dude. Don’t know what to do with your hands. Don’t know where 



To look. No. Yeah. But then when he, once he started asking questions, then I’m, I can answer those, 



Dude. But how, how good was it to get outta your comfort zone and do that though? Like, what’d you learn in that, in that awesome moment, 



Like, dude, Strat and I talked about this, we multiple times putting myself in uncomfortable situations as a Spartan race. It was uncomfortable. Yes, it was. You know about that too. Yes. Yes. News interviews uncomfortable. It’s a great thing, man. It’s, it’s, it’s, dude, it’s powerful because you put yourself in those uncomfortable situations, you’re inevitably gonna grow. Yep. And then as you grow, you are in a better position to give. That’s the only way, really, the only reason we really grow is to be able to give. And so the more that you can put yourself in positions to grow, the more you’ll be able to give. 



You know? So put yourself in those uncomfortable 



Positions. Absolutely. 



Volunteer and sign up for them. Do those things. Yeah. Cuz they’re gonna push, they’re gonna push your limits of what you believe is possible in yourself. That’s what I experienced at the Spartan race. Yeah. Was exactly that. Right. I wanted to, I wanted to dive in, but I also kind of wanted to share what I experienced at the Spartan race. Let’s hear it. I made it to about three and a half miles. 



So first off Yeah, yeah, yeah. 






The Spartan race in Oahu. Yep. What are the different levels that you could do? 



So there’s, there’s a few different levels. You could do the sprint mm-hmm. <affirmative>, which was a 5k. Yep. And there was, I don’t know if they offered the super super, did they offer the super? I didn’t even know. Which is a 10 K. Yep. And then the Beast, which is 20 K. Yep. And then there’s an ultra, which is a 50 K. Yes. We signed up for the Beast. Yes. Which is 20 K. We didn’t sign up for the 5k, we didn’t sign up for the 10 K. We signed up for the 20 K. And some people might look at that and think, that’s really dumb thing to do. <laugh>. That’s a really stupid thing to do. And like, dude, in retrospect, I’m so glad that I signed up for it because it was so outta my comfort zone. And because it like really gave me the opportunity to push it. Yeah. Like, push myself past what I thought was even capable. 



How were you feeling that morning? 



Scared as scared. 









No. Okay. Good. No, I thought you were 



Feeling that. No, dude. No, I wasn’t feeling any regret, dude. I was seriously just scared. Just scared of the unknown and scared because I know myself and I know that I was gonna push it to failure. Yeah. No matter what failure was, I didn’t know what that limit looked like. But I knew that I was gonna push it to failure. I knew that that’s what it was. So I, I was like, scared to get to failure is more of the fear that I had. 



Okay. So, so I’m gonna pause right there for a second. You were gonna push it to failure no matter what. Yeah. So many people are trying not to fail. Yeah. In reality, the goal should be to push it to failure. Cuz if you’re not, if you’re not pushing it to failure, good point. Yeah. You, you never know what can accomplish. Yeah. I love that bro. 



New and it’s, it’s been crazy. So I made it to three and a half mile at three and a half miles. I really started cramping up and like, I was just sweating. I started vomiting a little bit, not a little bit a lot, but started vomiting, cramping up, talked to a medic and he kinda of gave me some advice. It probably time probably should be, probably should call it. So I decided to call it ultimately he didn’t. But, um, during that like last mile, the inspiration that I felt like personal inspiration that I gave myself, that I kept going and that I had made it as far as that I did. And that I was pushing it past my abilities, um, was immense, was crazy. It was crazy to fill. And like, I was, I was inspiring myself, but at the same time I was like, I want other people to fill exactly what I’m feeling right now. 



Which was what? 



Exhaustion. But at the same time I was like, it was like clear, like what the goals were. And it was like all of this mindset training that I’ve been doing with Dallas, I’ve been doing with you. And all of the things that I’ve been learning are right at the forefront of your mind. Yes. That’s all you can see. Or is that studying is that, is those that positive thing that keeps you going in those hard times? Right. So like I want everybody to push themselves past their ability now. Like I want people to push it. I want to continue to push it. I was telling Strat and Nico yesterday, I was at the gym and I was like, I’m not tired. I was tired at the Spartan race. Yeah. So like I know what my abilities are and I’ve pushed that and I’ve like maximized that and stretched that out. So now I’m capable to do more and I like know that I can do it next year. Yeah. Like I know that I like, I know that I have the capability to be able, the ability to be able to train and be able to do it for next year. 



So what were your learning lessons, dude? How would you approach knowing what you know now? Yeah. How would you approach it differently than you did 



This year? So like, how am I gonna approach it next year? Yeah. 



Well, I don’t care what we’re gonna talk about today. We’re taking a pivot. We’re talking about Spartan race and you 






Whatever you had planned, we’re do that fucking next time. Okay. So what, what did you learn? 



I learned that, that’s a good question, dude. I learned a lot of things. I learned that I’m capable of way more than I thought I was capable. Like before the race, I was the, like the day, the night before I was telling Nico and Strata. I was like, I think I’m gonna just, I think I’ll stay till Sunday and I’m gonna do the 5k. Cuz I think I can get through the 5k. Like, I think I can finish that. 



But you would’ve cruised that. 



I would’ve crushed it. Yep. I went, I went four miles. Yeah. The 5K is only 



Three miles. Yep. No, you would’ve 



Crushed. So I would’ve crushed it. I would’ve went through, I wouldn’t have went right through it. So I wouldn’t have known, I wouldn’t have been able to experience the experience of failure. Right. We talk about failure a law. So another learning lesson there was failure. Such a good thing. Yeah. Like getting yourself to the point of failure. Dude. That’s where growth happens is in those moments. Yep. Um, it says huge learning lesson there too. Just, uh, more of a affirmation or like a reassurance of that lesson. Right. 



Can I drill on that real quick? Yeah. Because so many times we choose something that we know we can do. Yeah. Right. So, so why do we do that? Because we want to be able to have that reward of Yes, I did it. You already knew you could do it. Yeah. You, you didn’t know if you could do a beast. No. You, I maybe you didn’t know you could do a sprint, but you, you didn’t know if you could do a beast. Yeah. Right. So a lot of people would choose the sprint so that they can get that satisfaction, that reward and, and there’s power in that too. Sure. Checking something off, filling that. But you know what, sometimes that also provides comfort. That just gets you comfortable in where you’re at. Yeah. Where you didn’t finish. There’s, there’s zero comfort in that. Zero. Zero. Like, if you were to have finished the sprint, done the sprint, finished the sprint, would you be as hungry as you are right now? No, no, no. 



Yeah. Not even close. Yep. So, dude, just another lesson learned there, dude. It’s like failure is a motivator, dude. A lot of the times when you fail. It’s crazy, dude. It’s crazy. Like, one of the very first thoughts I had after was, I, I haven’t told anybody this, but I walked right up to the tent to sign up for next year. Oh, you did? The guy dropped me off in his truck. I went straight to the tent to sign up for the next 



Year. My 



Dude. So I’m already registered for next year. 



I did not know 



That. I’m already ready to go because dude is like, in that moment of failure. It’s like, it was also so motivating and so clear. And it was like, I want that, like you’re saying, dude, it was just like, it fed me. It gave me so much hunger because 



I want that’s separated. 



I want to, I want to do it. Yeah. Um, where was I going with that though? It was, it, it was just that failing dude. Fail. Failed. Like, one of, I, one of the notes I wrote down is what I wanted to say. One of the notes that I wrote down is, it’s crazy how failure can be a motivator when you understand failure <laugh> when you understand what failure 



Actually is. Right. Let’s you repeat that. 



It’s crazy that how failure can be a motivator when you understand what failure actually is. 



And what is that? 



That’s a step to success. Dude. We talked about this like four or five aloha Fridays ago mm-hmm. <affirmative> that you failure is an essential important step to success. It has to happen. Yep. You have to have those steps of, those steps of failure are what you build your foundation on. Right. 



It it shows you where to put the work. Yeah. Yeah. It’s, it’s literally, it shows you this is what needs the work. Uhhuh without that and the work is kind of meaningless. Dude. You’re just going Yeah. Failure shows you, okay, this is where I need to drill down. Yeah. 



Right. Yeah, totally. What was it like for you when you, because you, uh, you didn’t pass, you didn’t finish the, the race either? Nope. 



Yeah. I got to mile nine or so. Right between mile eight and a half, nine, something like that. And, uh, here’s, here’s what I learned. Here’s my takeaways. Okay. Physically, I was physically capable to finish the race. I know that for sure. Yeah. Let me tell you why I didn’t finish the race. Two things. Number one, preparation. And what I mean by preparation is, what did I bring with me on that race? Nothing. Nothing. Okay. Well, you can have the mental skills, you can have the physical ability, but if you don’t prep yourself, you don’t have the tools necessary. Well, the fuel lit, literally it was fuel. What do you wanna know what I ate for breakfast that day? 



Ano a Quest bar? 



No, not even that, that would’ve been way better. I ate grapes, cheese and salami. It would do 



What do you Some royalty dude. Some ancient, were they fanning you with palm leaves 



Soon? They, no. Brit forgot the palm leaves. I was pissed about that. <laugh>. That’s what I ate. Yeah. It’s not great. There’s no carbs in that. No. Okay. Ask me if I did the research of what should you eat before a race? Nope. Nope. I didn’t do that. I didn’t do that. Yeah. But did I, did I do do any research of what should you bring with you on the race? No, I didn’t bring any water. Yeah. I didn’t bring any, I didn’t bring anything. Yeah. Except for some short shorts and no shirt. Yeah. Which no shirt was a good idea. Yeah. No, I brought a shirt. I just, you you get that <laugh>. Okay. Yeah. That’s, I didn’t even wear socks. I didn’t ha Which is whatever I didn’t have in my shoes, which is whatever. But fuel, dude, I didn’t fuel myself. Yeah. I relate that to the business world. 



That’s mindset. You wanna know how you fuel yourself in the business world. It’s mindset. You know, how, how you fuel yourself in the Spartan. Race, fuel, food, food. I didn’t have it. So, so here’s what happens. I don’t have those, those reserves to pull from as I’m running. Cause I’ve been eating a low carb diet anyway, so I don’t have those reserves to pull from. Right. Well, it’s not until mile eight or something that I even start to experience problems. I don’t know. I can’t remember the exact, but I start to cramp up a little bit and, and you know, I don’t know what to do with the cramps, but, but I can get through the cramps. Like I, I feel like I can push through that side. Right. But I’m talking to Strat and I’m like, man, I wish I would’ve prepared. I’m pissed at myself for not preparing more and bringing stuff with me. 



And a lady passes and she’s like, Hey, I got some, like this gel stuff. Like if you want some. I was like, sweet. Yeah. So I eat that gel thinking this is gonna help me. Well, then all of a sudden I feel like I need to puke because I had no reserve for that gel to pull off. So I researched this gel later and the jail is awesome, but the, you have to take the gel earlier or else that gel will make you nauseous. Because if you don’t have anything in your stomach, any reserves to pull from that gel’s just gonna make you nauseous. So now I’m dealing with cramps and I’m dealing with, I gotta, I, I feel like you gotta vomit. There’s a point, Jay, where I’m just laying in and, and str and attest to this. So can Nico. I’m just like, guys, I gotta lay down. 



I just lay down in the trees. Like there’s nowhere to really lay down. So I just lay down the trees. Like I don’t, I I don’t give a shit about I, I’m just like, lay literally laying in the trees. Like, no, I just gotta sit here for a second. I’m just laying down in the trees. It’s, it’s not a place to sit. No. And I’m just like, I’m just gonna take a little nap just for a second limb battery hill. Relax. I’m, what I’m not telling them is like, yes, I’m cramping, but I have to, I feel like I have to use, I have to go number one and number two, and I feel like I’m gonna puke. Uh, my body’s just like, please remove some toxins somehow. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But I’m just laying there and then I keep moving, keep going. It’s strats like, you got it, you got it. 



And I’m like, no, I don’t. And and my whole motivation was, I’m just gonna keep going. Yeah. Until I get to the next spot and then I’m out. I just have to get somewhere where somebody could pick me up in a cart. Yeah. Well, we get to this spot where there’s a road and I’m like, I bet somebody will drive down this road eventually. So what do I do? My weak mental ass lays on the ground and I’m not, I mean, I don’t remember too much of this stuff. Just remember, it would be also easy with that weak mental self. I was weak mentally. Okay. I was Do you wanna know why, why? I was weak men? Weak mentally. This is a takeaway for every single one of you. Because so many people out there, they’re pursuing something new. They’re pursuing something they’ve never pursued. 



They don’t know where the finish line is. And in that moment of struggle, they believe that the joy will be found in stopping my, I felt like the joy would be found in giving up. I, I swear to God in that the sh the joy would be found in being done with this struggle. And the short term joy was found in that. But guess what happened? I get picked up. First off, I’m laying on the ground and I’m gonna get a little, I haven’t told, as I’m laying there, there’s people running by. I have to go pee. I can’t even st I feel like I can’t even stand up to go pee. I don’t even know where I would go pee. And then all of a sudden a cart comes by and I do this. Uh huh. Some guy’s like, do you need them? I was like, uh, <laugh>. 



Anyways. And now they picked me up in that moment. I was like, thank God. Yeah. But then I get up there, they’re talking to me in the tent. I drive, you know, they’d take me in the car. They’re, and they’re talking to me in the tent. They’re like, how you feel? I’m like, I don’t know. Well, and then I start to puke everywhere. But do you know what happened? As soon as I puked mm-hmm. <affirmative>, I felt good, man. Yeah. If I would’ve just forced myself to get to that point of puking. Yeah. If I would push myself just a little bit more puked, I literally believe I would’ve finished the race. Really? I do. I feel like those jails f with me. Yeah. I can get through the, the, the cramps. It was the combo, but it was the whole preparation. I didn’t prep, but mentally weak. 



I was mentally weak because in that moment I felt like the joy would be found in stopping. And was it the short term joy? Yes. Yeah. The minute that I puked and I gained some mental clarity back by that, by that time it’s already game over. Yeah. Massive regret. And I’ve had massive regret since then. Here’s also what I know. If Strat would’ve been like, no, I’m not blaming this on you at all. This is me. I just wanna make this clear. Yeah. You made this call. I know how, what motivates me. Right? So if Strat would’ve been he at this moment, he’s telling me, you got it. But I, I’m like, no, I don’t. Got it. But purpose transcends self. So if he would’ve said, Tyler, are you fucking kidding me right now? Are you kidding me right now? This is who I work for. 



This is our who I work for. This weak ass is gonna be laying on the ground. Get your ass up and go. This is who, how you gonna go motivate people when you can’t even finish a race? You’re sitting here like a little bitch. Stand up. If I promise you, if you would’ve done that <laugh>, I would’ve been like, great point. And I would’ve been up. Yeah. Because purpose transcend self in the moment. You’re telling me I had it. I didn’t feel like I had it, but if you told me that I needed it for somebody else, I would’ve been like, okay, let’s go. I got it. Yeah. I would’ve, so it was two things. Mentally I was weak because my, my purpose, I hadn’t, not because of str, because of me. Sure. I hadn’t defined what my purpose was. Yeah. And my purpose wasn’t. I sh it should have been outside of myself to motivate somebody else. And really it was all about me to get it done. Yeah. And it was a little prideful because I, I didn’t prepare at all physically. I’m like, I’m good. I got it. Yeah. I didn’t bring anything with me. Those were two massive regrets. You gotta have the fuel dude. Yeah. You gotta have the, you gotta know where the why is. Yeah. My why wasn’t in the right spot. 



I don’t know if you even remember this when we were pulling up in the bus. Do you remember what you said to me? Oh, you said you’re gonna inspire some motherfuckers today, 



<laugh>. I do remember that. Yeah. 



That’s what you said. And dude, that had been what had been playing in my head, leading up to that. And it was literally the only thing that got me on the plane to get to Oahu. It’s the only thing that got me in the car that morning to get over to the race. Awesome. It’s cuz it was for some like it, I don’t know who it’s gonna inspire. Hopefully it inspires somebody to push themselves past the point of what they can. But dude, it’s exactly that dude. It’s figuring out Yeah. Finding that purpose that transcends self Dude. Totally. And there’s things that you can accomplish when you really do find that purpose that does transcend whatever your selfish desires are is insane. Yep. It’s massive. 



Massive, massive. 



I had a unique situation, mate, cuz the next day, yeah. You guys know this, the next day I went to back to the Spartan race. Uhhuh <affirmative> with Pax Marley, Bri. And they’re doing their side. So I gotta watch PAXs finish. Marley finish. That was obviously awesome. Yeah. Britney finish. But I, I gotta watch all these people around finishing the race, finishing the race. Well, I didn’t finish the race. That was torture. Uhhuh <affirmative>. It was literally hell yeah. Everyone getting medals, everyone’s celebrating everybody. And I, I’m in it again from now. A clear stand. A clear point. Uhhuh, <affirmative>, you know, after I, I bowed out, I left. But now I’m there with a clear mind and I, I just, tons of regret, but tons of motivation. Yeah. Tons of motivation. 



Like watching other people get past the finish line. 



Oh yeah, yeah. 



I did the same thing. Yeah. I, I went and signed up and went and sat at the finish line and watched people finish because I knew it would motivate me. I knew it would motivate me to like, okay, next year you’re passing this line. Yeah. Dude. And that’s a learning lesson and that’s a growth principle and a learning lesson in itself, dude. It’s like celebrate others’ victories, but also use others’ victories as fuel. God. Because you know that it’s 



Possible, dude. Yep. 



Like I’m watching these other big dudes cross the line and I’m like, I can do this, dude. Yes. Why can’t I be this dude that’s crossing the line, dude. But again, applying it to business principles and business stuff, dude, it’s like why can’t we celebrate other’s victories and realize, yo, that’s what I can do too. I can do that same thing, 



Dude. That’s where the p because too many people look at those other people’s victories and it discourages them. Yeah. But if you really have the right mindset and you use those other people’s victories to encourage you, to let you know that it’s possible. Like I see it happen in our network all the time. Somebody does a deal, somebody, they’re in the same class. Right. So there’s this comparison. Yeah. Somebody does a deal and this other person’s still grinding and they look at that like, damnit and it discourages them when really it should be encouraging them. Yeah. It’s all perspective, everything is how we perceive it to be. Right. So if you are truly in this, this for the long term, you’re truly in this for the, yes, I’m gonna do it no matter what, then every, every single person on the way that is doing something that you haven’t done should encourage you, not discourage you, but if you’re just really in it for a selfish, selfish thing, or ma or your your commitment is half-assed, then somebody else’s success will discourage you. Dude, that’s detrimental, man. It’s detrimental. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. 



We’ve, we’ve experie we experienced that all the time, dude. And not even every, in every aspect of the business. You, you, we, we witnessed that and like, is when you can realize that somebody else’s pie isn’t even your pie. Yeah. So your slice of pie isn’t even, has nothing to do with their pie. Yep. You, you realize that it is just an abundant mentality, dude. It’s to have that abundant mentality. Dude, I, I wanted to <laugh>, I wanted to dive into some other things today, but I think we touched on we’re good man. We touched on some really good stuff. Dude. 



If any of you watching this right now and this dude encourages you to do shit that you’ve never done, leave a comment. No, I’m, no, leave a comment ma’am. Appreciate it. Because there’s very few people that would go straight into doing the beast. Very few people that would have the mentality of, I’m doing this for others. Very few people who would come back in share after falling off. Very few people. Dude. Thanks dude. Yeah. Yeah. One of my biggest takeaways, and we’ll wrap it up Yeah. As we’re walking out. Okay. We go through, so Britney’s the last one to do it. Me, PAX Marley. We’re waiting at the finish line for Britney to give her her medal. Then we give her her medal. We’re walking through and she’s getting your t-shirt and Britney’s like, Hey, do you guys, do you have a t-shirt for he, he didn’t get his t-shirt yesterday cause I didn’t go to the finish line, you know? 



And, and I’m like, no, no, I don’t want, I don’t want my, I don’t want my T-shirt. I didn’t finish. Yeah. You know. Nope. Well, you get a T-shirt. No, I don’t care. I don’t want my t-shirt. Yeah, it, no. And then we’re walking back and I was like, man, PAX has a metal, Marley has a medal. Britney has a medal, man, I don’t have a medal. I’m ready for my medal next year. And p pax is like, PAX is like, yeah, you can’t go get one because it says earn not given <laugh>. It says earn not given <laugh>. I was like, damn rights man. I’m gonna earn that mother f next year, dude. Yeah. That’s awesome dude. I don’t even wanna wait till next year. I wanna go do it, do 



Tomorrow. I told, I told Strat Nico, if I’m ready before the Oahu one, I’ll sign up for one to get to one before the Oahu one. Do 






Oahu love it in addition too. But yeah. 



Well, challenges man, put yourself in those uncomfortable situations. Force yourself to grow. 



Can I say one more thing? Yeah. Sorry dude. Just to kind of full circle here. Last episode, we touched on a video that you watched at Tony Hawk. Yeah. Being, being okay with failure. Right. Being okay with failure. Failing and knowing. Not envision, like I envisioned myself crossing that finish line. Yep. But I was okay with failure. Tony Hawk envisioned himself doing the nine, 900 however million times he envisioned himself doing it. Yeah. But he also crashed and failed a lot of times. God fail, dude fail. Put yours be willing to fail. It’s not even about failing. It’s about having that mindset and being willing to fail and understanding that failure’s a step. 



Hundred percent a step man. You can read every motivational quote in the freaking world, but eventually you have to love yourself enough to go put in the work. Yep. You have to love yourself enough to know that you are the work that you should be putting in. And you have to love others enough to be able to grow yourself enough to know that by growing you, you’ll grow them. Yep. Go put in the work. And by putting in the work, you have to put yourself in a position to fail. A position to struggle. A position to lay on the ground and piss your pants. If it happens, <laugh>. Okay. It happens to the best of us. It 






If you, you ain’t cool unless you pee in your pants. <laugh> name of the movie, 



Not pineapple Express. Nope. Nor super bad. I don’t know. I don’t know. You’re not cool unless you, your pits Billy Billy 



Mattox. Yeah. Billy Matt Madison. Dude. Should, should, Hey, I don’t gotta know a loha value. 



I know. Well, we kind of went off, we kind of went off, we kind went off 



On the, okay, I’m gonna pull one up right now. 



I will. We, I’ve got one pulled up and it actually is a pretty good one that could be in line with what we’re talking about. This paulk 



PO’s strive reference. Yeah. Yeah. 



Go strive for excellence. But as to wrap it in with what we’re talking about right now. Strive for excellence, but be okay if you don’t get to excellence right away, yo. Yeah. Know that there’s steps to get to excellence. It’s kind of a theme that we’ve kind of taken on the growth cast lately, is that there’s seasons in life. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>, there’s seasons to do things and failures. Okay. And it’s a good thing and it should be happening. So as you’re striving for excellence and you come across failure, know that that’s a step to get to excellence. Yeah. Fail. Fail in an excellent way. I truly believe you can fail in an excellent way. And that’s by taking that failure, learning from it and implementing it moving 



Forward. There’s no failure. Only feedback. Yeah. There’s no failure. Only feedback when you’re po o when you’re striving for excellence. So strive for excellence, mother efforts, get out there. Make it happen. Jay, I’m proud of you bro. Thanks bro. I was man proud of you dude. Strat. Nico, we haven’t talked about 



Y’all. I know. We should have definitely finished figure They finished the race. 



They finished. In fact, let, I’m gonna mention one more thing. Nico Strat, you tell me that this ain’t the truth. Nico. We’re mile whatever. Every mile. And me, Andre are like, we didn’t even know our name. Nico’s passing people. Aloha. Aloha. Hey, you’re looking great today. Great job. I mean, she is just like a fricking gazelle. Like she is just going. She has no form. It was impressive to me. Dude, this 



Is on the last turn, bro. Look at this picture. I took a, I took a Nico. This is on the last turn. <laugh> after a 20 K. If this doesn’t explain Nico perfectly, 



Nico’s energy level is unmatched dude. Unmatched incredible. It’s incredible. Matt. 



So much to learn from you, Nico. Yeah. 



For real. Real. That’s such, that’s such true mindset. She has it freaking locked. Yes, she does. Anyway. Hey, live always with Loha.