
The Strength of your relationships will determine the strength of your business.

People want to do business with people they like. 

And especially as the real estate industry is such a relationship business, you seriously want to make a good impression and build relationships with other people in this industry. 

People can and will open doors for you, and the more you engage with them and speak to them, the more opportunities they will give you. 

The real estate business is a relationship business as at its heart are people looking to do deals and work with others to buy, sell, and invest in property. 

In this post, we’re going to be going over a few key momentum indicators that you should look to adopt to help you network and build relationships with others. 

But first, what is a momentum indicator?

A momentum indicator is kind of like a character trait. It is something you do as a person that shows awareness and understanding of certain situations. In the context of building relationships, these attributes are synonymous with the types of people who are very likeable, good listeners, and take action right away. 

Here are some of the most important momentum indicators that you can take note of to help you build better relationships with people in the real estate business. 

Sense of urgency. 

Having a sense of urgency shows a motivated character. 

A willingness to get stuck in, solve problems, and find solutions proves you to be a go-getter. And people love that. 

High performing individuals are those that don’t waste time and ‘dilly dally’ at the stalls, while everyone else races ahead of them. 

Plus the ability to display an unwavering sense of urgency to accomplish your goals can open a ton of doors for you. 

This person kicks ass, gets the job done, and accomplishes their goals, and people have a lot of time and space for these sorts of individuals in their businesses. 

High speed of execution and implementation 

A ‘wishy-washy’ person slows processes down, doesn’t get stuff done, and causes delays. 

People won’t want to invest in this.

Ask any employer and they will tell you candidates who are succinct and confident in their decision making are the best candidates to work with. 


Because they’re high performers. If you’re able to make decisions quickly, it shows a higher level of thinking and a logical brain that can quickly put two and two together to help solve the problem fast. 

Be quick, be confident, be smart, and start today. You’ll instantly see the rate of your success skyrocket based on the speed of your execution. 

But most importantly, have the courage to back yourself to make these decisions. Believe you are a high performer, believe you have all of these momentum indicators and you will give yourself the momentum to make these snap decisions.  

Obsession for growth

Being obsessive about something can sometimes be a bad thing. 

But when it comes to achieving your goals and getting to the next level, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, and no one should doubt you for trying to better yourself. 

Some of the best and most inspiring people to engage yourself with are those who have an obsession for their own growth because they are willing to work their socks off to get to the next level. 

Don’t be afraid to go to that next level and don’t be scared of obsessing over getting there, as it will all be well worth it when you do finally achieve your definiteness of purpose. 

Be obsessed or be average” – Grant Cardone.

Desire to learn and become an expert

Some of the most interesting and best people to engage with are those who have a desire to learn from others. 

These people are great listeners and will engage and ask questions of others to help them become better people. 

They will also constantly look to take on information to better themselves by listening to other people’s stories.

Ultimately, each momentum indicator can help you in some way to build better relationships with others. And when building relationships in this industry, you shouldn’t go straight in and talk shop straight away. Play the long game, learn about who the other person is away from the office, and engage with them as though they were your friend. 

But how can we be genuinely interested in other people?

It’s simple – remember their name!

It’s not difficult, but for some reason, everyone has struggled at some stage to remember the name of someone you’ve just met! 

Here’s a top trick. To remember someone’s name, say their name three times in a sentence, or if you’re a visual person, look them up on social media. Do whatever it takes for you to remember their name. 

Why is this so important though? 

Well, remembering someone’s name is the sweetest language someone will ever hear. It will make them feel important and the more effort you put into remembering and using someone’s name, the more they’ll try to remember yours. 

Ultimately that will stick in the back of their mind, with them remembering you after you’ve met them and considering you if any opportunities do eventually come up. 

Next don’t talk about you. Get the conversation going first about them. Show an interest into their life away from work, ask questions, and find out more about what makes them tick as a person. 

Sure enough, they’ll come back to talk about you in time but remember, you’re here to build relationships, so listen to what they’re saying and don’t go straight in with the business chat either. 

Plus smile at people and show off those pearly whites. A smile instantly makes someone want to smile back. It’s a gesture that shows people that you’re a kind, approachable person and makes them feel important. 

And when you do get deep into conversation, listen to what makes them tick, as this is why they’re ultimately in the real estate business, not because they like tall buildings. They’d almost certainly rather be filling their days with anything but acquiring properties. 

But you need to figure out why they’re here. Whether it’s because they have two kids and want to send them to college, or whether they’re saving up to go traveling in a year’s time.

Learning this is far more beneficial to you than talking about their business interests, as it shows you not to be a business-focused robot, but actually, as a human being who could be great to work with in the future. 

Overall be nice, polite, fun, and friendly 

Don’t be annoying. Be someone people will want to work with, and don’t be sarcastic or sassy or short with people either. 

If people remember you as being annoying, they’ll see an email come through from you one day and will immediately shove it to the back of their to-do list. 

But if you’re fun, friendly, make people feel important, and take an interest in their lives, people will almost certainly want to work with you in the future. 

People want to do business with people they like and can trust. The more you adopt these momentum indicators, and the more you pay attention to others, the more they’ll want to work with you. 

That’s why real estate is a relationship business.

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